Drivers Guide Privacy Policy

I have read and declare my consent to the privacy policy.

BMW AG, Petuelring 130, 80788, Munich, Germany is the data controller within the meaning of the EU general data protection regulation (“GDPR”) for the processing of your personal data. BMW AG is headquartered in Munich.

When using the Driver’s Guide, you will be asked to provide personal data such as your name and e-mail address, which are required to log in, as well as a vehicle identification number, which is used to provide vehicle-specific information.

We apply various security measures such as state-of-the-art encryption and authentication tools to safeguard and maintain the security, integrity and availability of your data. We will only retain your data as long as is necessary for the respective purposes for which we process your data.

If we process data for multiple purposes, this will automatically be deleted or saved in a format in which it cannot be directly traced back to you personally, as soon as the last specific purpose has been fulfilled. No data is passed on to third parties.

If you have any questions regarding how your personal data is used by us, we recommend that you contact BMW Customer Service in the first instance – either by sending an e-mail to or calling +49 89 1250-16000 (lines open Mon – Fri 08:00 – 18:00 and Sat 08:00 – 16:30).

You can also contact the appointed data protection officer:

Data Protection Officer
Petuelring 130
80788 Munich, Germany

As you are the data subject in relation to the processing of your data, you may assert certain rights vis-à-vis us in accordance with the GDPR and other applicable data protection regulations. The following section contains explanations regarding your rights as a data subject in accordance with the GDPR. Depending on the nature and scope of your enquiry, we may request that you submit this to us in writing.

Rights of data subjects

As a data subject in accordance with the GDPR, you have the following rights in particular vis-à-vis BMW:
Right of access (Art. 15 GDPR): You may request information from us regarding the data we hold about you at any time. This information concerns, for example, the data categories processed by us, the purposes of the processing, the origin of the data if we have not collected it directly from you, and where applicable, the recipients to whom we have transmitted your data. You may obtain a free copy of your data. Should you be interested in obtaining additional copies, we reserve the right to charge you for the additional copies.
Right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR): You may request the rectification of your data by us. We shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the data we hold about you and which we are currently processing is correct, complete and up to date, based on the most up-to-date information available to us.
Right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR): You may request the erasure of your data by us, provided that the legal requirements regarding this are met. In accordance with Art. 17 GDPR, this may be the case if:

Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR): You may request the restriction of processing of your data if:

Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR): At your request, we shall transmit your data – where this is technically possible – to another data controller. However, you shall only have this right if the data processing is based on your consent or is required for the performance of a contract. Instead of obtaining a copy of your data, you may also request that we transmit the data directly to another data controller specified by you.
Right to object (Art. 21 GDPR): You may object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to the processing of your data, provided that the data processing is based on your consent or is based on our legitimate interests or those of a third party. In this case, we shall no longer process your data. The latter shall not apply if we are able to demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests or if we require your data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
Time limits for complying with the rights of data subjects

We endeavour to handle all enquiries within 30 days. However, this time limit may be extended for reasons relating to the specific right of the data subject or the complexity of your enquiry.

Restriction of information when complying with the rights of data subjects

In certain situations, we may not be able to provide information on all your data on account of legal requirements. In the event that we have to refuse a request for information in such a case, we shall inform you of the reasons for the refusal without delay.

Complaints to supervisory authorities

BMW AG takes your concerns and rights very seriously. However, should you believe that we have not taken adequate steps to handle your complaints or concerns, you have the right to submit a complaint to a competent data protection authority.